
Rise Against - Help Is On The Way

這首歌真的好挑戰, 光歌詞版本一開始就找到好幾種


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I have my mother's dreams,
I have my father's eyes,
You can't take that from me,
Just go ahead and try.
The crescent city sleeps,
While giants in the sky,
Preparing to unleash,
Let loose a mighty cry.

Crescent city (紐澳良)
While giants in the sky (暴風雨)
Let loose a mighty cry (狂風暴雨降下)

Can nobody save us?
Will anyone try?
The bayou is burning,
The cypress is dying.
And all along they say it.

The bayou is burning, The cypress is dying   (被颶風摧殘的景象)

Help is on the way
(They said, they said)
Help is on the way
(They said, they said)
One by land, two by sea.
Right there in front of me.
Help is on the way.

Five thousand feet below,
As black smoke engulfs the sky,
The ocean floor explodes,
Eleven mothers cry.
My bones all resonate,
A burning lullaby,
You can't take that from me,
Just go ahead and try.

As black smoke engulfs the sky  
(black smoke=石油, 這邊的sky則是海平面, 即是海平面漂浮著石油)
The ocean floor explodes, Eleven mothers cry  (這次爆炸事件 造成11人死亡)

She stands at the shoreline,
With hands in the air,
Her words pierce the dark night,
Does anyone care?
And all along they say it.

Help is on the way
(They said, they said)
Help is on the way
(They said, they said)
One by land, two by sea.
Right there in front of me.
Help is on the way.

Right here! Right here! [x3]

Choking on the black gold,
Upon which we rely,
We keep axes in the attics,
To see cameras in the sky.

Choking on the black gold, Upon which we rely (人類太過依賴black gold=石油)
We keep axes in the attics, To see cameras in the sky 
(大水淹進來, 大家都逃到屋頂 可是水淹的太高, 只好把屋頂打破逃到屋頂, 希望能被媒體直升機發現)

Help is on the way
(They said, they said)
Help is on the way
(They said, they said)

We were told just to sit tight,
Cause somebody will soon arrive.
Help is on the way.
But it never came!
It never came!

Help is on the way
(They said, they said)
Help is on the way
(They said, they said)
One by land, two by sea.
Right there in front of me.
Help is on the way.
On the way.

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